Friday 29 June 2007

Final Fantasy 8

Currently me mum and dad are playing a computer game called final fantasy 8. in it you are a mercenary and your job is to fight the evil sorceress who is plotting to take over the world. She's not the only enemy though. there's galbadia too (an evil empire which the sorceress is in control of.)Lastly there is Seifer( the sorceresses personal guard) In battle you can use magic as well as summon a GF (a spirit which attacks the enemy.)you can also take magic from the enemy or heal the others in battle.
Here is a link to the online version. we are thinking about playing it after we have finished final fantasy 8


this post explains about cog hq's.

In Toontown there are places called HQ's which are made by the cogs.
There are three currently (the bossbots don't have one.)the sellbot HQ is in Daisy Gardens. the cashbot HQ is in Donalds Dreamland.the lawbot HQ is in The Brrrgh.
HQ's contain Factorys,Mints and Offices(places where cogs are made.)Also the big bosses (VPs,CFOs and Chief justices)live there.

Thursday 28 June 2007

bottomless fishing bucket

Sorry i didn't quite tell the truth. the last post wasn't the last toontask post. this post is.

bottomless fishing bucket:


gold rod

what to do

visit a pet shop clerk (to get this task)

catch 10000 fish
catch 1000 bear acudas
catch 1000 holy mackerels
catch 1000 Olympic pool sharks
catch 1000 devil rays
catch 1000 star fish
catch 1000 clown fish
catch 1000 moon fish
catch 1000 balloon fish
catch 1000 cat fish
catch 1000 sea horses
catch 100 fish
catch 200 pb&jellyfish
catch 330 upright piano tuna
play 666 trolley games
defeat 66 cashbot buildings
catch a devil ray
catch a koala bear acuda

bottomless fishing bucket for 2 months

Tuesday 26 June 2007

infinite jellybeans

Here is the third and last special toontask i have created.

Infinite jellybeans


can carry 120 jellybeans
iron fishing rod

what to do:

earn 2000 jellybeans on bingo day
spend 2000 jellybeans
play enough trolley games to earn 2000 jellybeans
catch 1000 star fish
catch 1000 clownfish
earn and spend 1000 jellybeans
catch 500 clownfish
spend 500 jellybeans on storm clouds
earn 1000 jellybeans on trolley tracks day
grow 5 storm clouds
earn 20000 jellybeans
catch enough star fish to earn 25000 jellybeans
earn and spend 20000 jellybeans
defeat 2000 gladhanders with fire hoses
spend 200 jellybeans on birthday cakes
earn 100 jellybeans

so there you go folks!

Monday 25 June 2007

Toontown explained

This post explains a little bit about toontown.

The Cogs

The cogs began when a toon millionaire, who was paying a toon genius ,went into a laboratory and saw some strange robots. Their controls were on the wall. The toon millionaire fiddled with them. The robots flew off with the words "We will take over Toontown"

Factories,Mints and Offices

These are places where cogs are made.
Whenever toons blow them up the cogs reconstruct them in a blink!
When toons battle in there you sometimes get skelecogs.
These are simply cogs inner frame without the suit.


these are what toons use to blow up cogs.
there are seven Gag tracks.
their names are listed below


Gag acuracy

all gags have different amounts of acuracy which means some are less likely to hit.
the gags will be listed again this time by their acuracy


Big gags

these gags are so special that once you have used them you have to earn them again.
You cannot buy them at Goofy's Gag Shop.
They hit all cogs and never miss.
They are listed below.

High Dive
Opera Singer
Wedding Cake


infinite gags


wedding cake

what to do:

throw 1000 cream pies
use 60 geysers
use 60 wedding cakes
squirt 1000 Fire Hoses
drop 1000 safes
drop 1500 Big Wieghts
catch 1500 fish
play 100 trolley games
drop 100 safes
squirt 100 Fire Hoses
throw 100 cream pies
throw 1000 fruit pies
squirt 1000 Seltzer Bottles
drop 10 grand pianos in the factory
use 60 geysers in the factory
use 60 wedding cakes in the factory
drop 2000 anvils
drop 2500 sandbags
drop 3000 flowerpots
defeat 10 big cheeses with grand pianos
defeat 10 bigwigs with storm clouds

reward: infinite gags

Alex's travels

yesterday me,dad and a Friend went to stoke on-trent to pick up a kayak.
on the way there dad bought a big coffee and our Friend bought a cup of tea which was in a cup which was so big you could wear it as a hat!
when we were on the motorway me and dad played spot the Eddie Stobart lorry!
the people we picked up the kayak from were so posh they had automatically opening gates!
on the way back we stopped at a service station and bought some Tangfastics.
Being a Passenger on a motor way is both frightening and fun.

here is a picture of his kayak :


toontown is my favorite online game so as part of my dedicaition to it i wrote some special toontasks.
here is a link to toontown

infinite laff


95+ laff
wedding cake
all fish speices discoverd
cog radar
building radar

what to do

1)catch 5000 fish
2)catch 500 piano tuna
3)catch 500 devil rays
4)catch 500 holy mackerals
5)defeat 10 million cogs
6)defeat 1 million sellbots
7)defeat 1 million cashbots
8)defeat 1 million bossbots
9)defeat 1 million lawbots
10)defeat 10000 buildings
11)defeat 1000 sellbot buildings
12)defeat 1000 cashbot buildings
13)defeat 1000 bossbot buildings
14)defeat 1000 lawbot buildings
15)earn 1000 jellybeans
16) teach your doodle every trick then get it to master them
17)win two blockouts
18)defeat 100 coin mints
19)defeat 80 dollar mints
20)defeat 60 bullion mints
21)defeat 100 factorys
22)defeat 100 office As
23)defeat 100 office Bs
24)defeat 50 office Cs
25)defeat 50 office Ds
26)catch 1000 holy mackerals
27)defeat 20 VPs
28)defeat 20 CFOs
29)defeat 20 Chief Justices
30)win 10 Grand Prixs

kind of hardcore don't you think?

Friday 22 June 2007


The origin of metals

inside stars there is somthing going on called neuclear fission which means the hydrogen is getting compressed into helium. the atoms keep getting compressed until it becomes iron. then the star explodes , the iron cools down and impacts into an asteriod

the rarest metal on earth is irridium which is also the densest

my research

yesterday i researched atoms here is what i found out


there are three types of carbon

carbon 12 = six protons six neutrons
carbon 13 = six protons seven neutrons
carbon 14 = six protons eight neutrons

an ionic bond

an ionic bond happens when an electron keeps swapping between two atoms

Friday 15 June 2007

Kite picture


i have decided to start a new blog. my old blog is Here.
yesterday i went kite flying in strong winds with dad.
we unwrapped the string to full length, which was fun.
while we were kite flying we saw a real kite (The bird).
just now i am ill and i don't like it much.
over the past week i have playing the piano lots