Monday 30 August 2010

Day 1!

On day 1 granny pretty much first thing in the morning went to meet her friends in Barcelona to go rock climbing with her friends. For most of the day me, my mum and dad hung out at the poolside in the stupidly hot sun, every so often going for a dip in the nice cool water. We had a great time swimming about all day, and i re-learnt how to swim! That day was the first day i tried a proper french baguette. It was only a quarter sized one, and it was still massive! I had a great day and i slept well, until granny came home in the middle of the night and woke us all up!

Thursday 26 August 2010


On the day after my birthday we went abroad to Catalonia (A part of Spain ) to go camping and enjoy some sunshine! We stayed in a hotel in Newcastle for the night and then got at half past six in the morning to catch the plane to Barca! When we got there we met up with my granny at the airport. After wandering about the city for a bit to find a train station, we got on a train to Vilanova. There we found our way to the camp-site where we would be staying for ten days or so. After we'd been given our plot and set up the tent we went exploring and me and mum got totally lost looking for the camp-site supermarket. One thing we found out was where the five pools were(There were two ordinary pools, two baby pools and one indoor pool)which was good, and that meant we knew where to go for all the swimming that we did that holiday. At the start of all the swimming i needed armbands, but by the end of the holiday i could swim without them by the end of the holiday!!! I really enjoyed Catalonia and the sun so i am going to do some sub posts about the eight full days we spent there!!


Dragon Quest IX Review!!

On my birthday i got Dragon Quest IV: Sentinels Of The Starry Sky(which is an RPG ), to use the proper long-winded name. The story so far as i can make out(it is made by the same people as final fantasy and has a similarly strong but confusing story) is that you are a celestrian from the skyborne observatory ,home of a race of beings made by the Almighty(The big god in the story)and tasked with protecting humanity and gathering Benevolessence, or crystalised human thankfullness, and then give it to the Great World Tree, Ydragsil to aid it in blossoming with sacred fyygs. When that happens the power of the fyggs draws unwelcome and destructive power from the protectorate(which is the world of mortalkind)in the form of red beams of rage, which drain your powers and send you plummeting to the world below. Past there i haven't a clue about the story, even though i have played past that point. If you like RPG games with weird worlds and insane monsters(Like metal slimes and lava goo creatures) then i definitely recommend this!!!