Friday 29 May 2009

The Aviation museum

Yesterday we went to the aviation museum in Dumfries!! There was all sorts of World War Two planes and helicopters, some of which you can actually go in! The first plane you see is a old Trident passenger plane,which you can go in.When you go inside the first thing you notice is the big amount of chairs.Yawn-that's boring. But if you go in a bit further you can see the cockpit which is full of amazing dials,switches and levers. Unfortunately you can't go in there, probably because it is still wired up. Another interesting thing you can go and see is a shop which is made to look like a WWII shop. When you go in it triggers an air raid siren. If you look up you can see a model bomb, which gave me such a fright when i first saw it. Then there is a helicopter you can go in.Inside the helicopter there are two pilot seats and three passenger seats. Next to the pilot seats there are an amazing number of switches and buttons. Next to the passenger seats there are grenade holders, with enogh room for twenty grenades in total.Here are some pictures

Me and some of my friends,Niall,Emily and Adam

Argh! The bombs are falling!

The cockpit of the Trident

Me in the helicopter.That's Adam piloting in the background

I had loads of fun and i am hoping to go again sometime

Thursday 28 May 2009

The Burns house

Yesterday we went to dumfries and saw the house in which world famous poet Robert Burns died. We saw quite a few interesting things like where he engraved his name on his window, the bed in which he probably died and the gun he used when working as an exciseman (someone who caught smugglers.)Apparently Robert Burns died of cancer- what a horrid end to meet. Here are some interesting pictures.

Burn's last house

The plaque outside his house

All of Roberts pots and pans

Burn's writing desk

I thought it was really interesting.So interesting that we bought a book about what life was like for Robert Burns when he was young.

Monday 25 May 2009

my weekend

On friday we did did some gardening.We put our polytunnel up and there are peppers and purple basil and tomatoes and coriander in it .Here are some pictures of our garden.

The ferocious little erm ... kitty

our peas teepea (tee hee!)

MY best Picture

On saturday it rained so we played the sims for a bit.
on sunday i played with my water pistol for a while.Me and Nathan played a game in which we took turns to soak each other.

Monday 18 May 2009

What i did at the weekend

On Saturday i got a new game called Pikmin. In it you are Captain Olimar, who has crash landed on a toxic planet,and a lot of his ship's parts have been lost. However this planet is home to the helpful little creatures called Pikmin(who are half plant and half animal.)Captain Olimar decides to enlist their aid to find all of his spaceship parts.It is a very fun game and i recommend this for people who like puzzle games. After i played a bit of Pikmin we went for a walk around Polmaddy(which is an old ruined village).In Polmaddy there was all kinds of ruined buildings, from an old inn to corn kilns(where corn was dried out).There were new signposts (which had information on Polmaddy).We also got some nice logs for the fire. It was a nice walk , until it started raining. After the walk we went and got some chips to warm us up again.

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Our scottish history project

Recently me and my mum have been learning about the wars of independence, which happened in the early 1300s. The main figures of the time were William Wallace(the first freedom fighter in the war),Edward I of England (commonly known as longshanks) and Robert the Bruce (who was a noble before he became the king of Scotland ) . Below are pictures of the poster which we made.


Thursday 7 May 2009

A Big update

Hello! I haven't posted in a while so this is going to be one BIG update.First things first.The other moth ,Tempest,(i got him soon after behemoth) has hatched! Interestingly whilst i was emptying the caterpillars jar i found their chrysalides (plural of chrysalis). Below is a picture of them

The next thing i am posting about is Aspergers syndrome.The reason why is that i have recently been diagnosed with Aspergers.So i got a couple of books on Aspergers syndrome. They are Martian in the playground(a fact book)and The curious incident of the dog in the night-time (which is a mystery murder novel)
There is a picture of them below.


And the last thing i am posting about is a big bionicle project i have been working on(but it isn't finished yet). I present... the Arcana M2000!(the m stands for mach. That's fast). I am trying to make it bigger and better than the Axalara (a professionals model.)In the picture below the pilot is in the model.(Click on it to make it bigger)