Thursday 7 May 2009

A Big update

Hello! I haven't posted in a while so this is going to be one BIG update.First things first.The other moth ,Tempest,(i got him soon after behemoth) has hatched! Interestingly whilst i was emptying the caterpillars jar i found their chrysalides (plural of chrysalis). Below is a picture of them

The next thing i am posting about is Aspergers syndrome.The reason why is that i have recently been diagnosed with Aspergers.So i got a couple of books on Aspergers syndrome. They are Martian in the playground(a fact book)and The curious incident of the dog in the night-time (which is a mystery murder novel)
There is a picture of them below.


And the last thing i am posting about is a big bionicle project i have been working on(but it isn't finished yet). I present... the Arcana M2000!(the m stands for mach. That's fast). I am trying to make it bigger and better than the Axalara (a professionals model.)In the picture below the pilot is in the model.(Click on it to make it bigger)

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