Wednesday 17 June 2009

A thunderstorm!

On monday there was a thunderstorm! Unfortunately i didn't see any lightning but i knew it was happening because of the deafening thunder. Mum and Dad apparently saw some big strikes which, unfortunately i didn't see. So i went out to our garden. Soon after i went out there was a strike of lightning behind me which gave me quite a surprise because it was a relatively close strike. It was nice to hear the roll of thunder (because lightning is my second favorite weather)and i hope that there is another thunderstorm soon so i can see some lightning.

Monday 15 June 2009

What i did at the weekend

On saturday my best friend logan was over for a while. We spent quite a bit of time in the graveyard, looking for his great granny's grave. Ultimately we didn't find it but we did have quite a fun time ,which is the important part. On sunday we spent most of the day outside enjoying the sun. It got quite hot until the sun went behind a cloud , and it didn't come out again for quite some time . Overall i had a fun and sunny weekend. Unfortunatley the weather has become cloudy and is rather annoyingly threatening rain. Recently I have been reading the Discworld books which are by Terry Pratchett. They can be very funny in places but can suddenly become a bit frightening , like a scene where a bat gets hit by a garlic sausage then suddenly gets eaten by a cat. My favorite book so far has to be the hilarious Witches Abroad
in which three witches attempt to go on a very long trip across the Discworld. The witches are Magrat (who turn anything into pumpkins) , Nanny ogg and Granny Weatherwax (who owns a massive cat called Greebo ,who can even scare wolves.) The Discworld books are fantastic and i recommend them for people who like fantasy books.

Thursday 11 June 2009


Recently i read one of the Redwall books(which are by Brian Jacques) . The Redwall books are Animal Adventure Fantasy. They always feature Redwall abbey , a place in the dense forests of mossflower where mice,hedgehogs,squirrels and the like live together happily with their cheeky dibbuns, who are also referred to as babes(ie: molebabes, shrewbabes.)
The one that i recently read was Marlfox, in which the main enemy's are the cunning Marlfoxes and their massive army of water rats. They are all ruled over by Queen Silth ,an old and evil vixen. She has sent the Marlfoxes to plunder the treasured tapestry of redwall
My favorite character is Florian Duggawolf Wilffachop who is an absolutely hilarious hare! He has the appetite of an elephant, so he is referred to as Florian Forkbottom
or Florian Wilffachomp. I think this book is absolutely brilliant and also hilarious! I highly recommend this for people who like either fantasy or animal stories!

Monday 8 June 2009

Bluebell wood

I was going to write about what i did last weekend but we had such a quiet and rainy weekend that it is barely worth mentioning. So i am writing about a walk we did last week instead. The first thing i noticed was the sweltering heat- i was sweating before we reached the end of my street! The next thing we knew we were at the bridge. We looked into the clear, calm water and we saw a big pike- it must have been at least 4 pounds!Here are some pictures

The pike was a little bit hard to see so i put in an arrow to help

In this picture the pike looks a bit like a stick so i put in yet another arrow

We then went up Waterside hill which was surprisingly dry. It didn't take long and soon we were in the glen.We went across another bridge and took a right. We found the turnoff for bluebell wood and we went up it.We went back down it after we explored the wood and rather quickly our feet felt weary- never nice. When we got back to Dalry we made a bee-line to the shop and got ourselves ice cream.

Friday 5 June 2009

Charity banners

Have you noticed the charity banners on the left? They're there because i am trying to help the rainforests and wild cats,and you might want to help too.By the way the amazon rainforest is being cut down at a crazy rate, roughly a football pitch sized area every ten seconds.I was looking for a tiger one but i couldn't find one, so if any of you know a link to a tiger banner please post it in a comment.If you click on one of them it will take you to a charity website.

Monday 1 June 2009

What i did at the weekend

Over the weekend it has been hot and cloudless. I mean HOT- it has been as hot as 20 degrees Celsius.Anyway. On saturday i basically just enjoyed the sun ,which gave me sunburn on the back of my legs(which still hurts now.)On sunday we went for a walk by the black loch until we were halfway round.At that point we suddenly decided to go to mossyard beach. When we got there the first thing we noticed were the huge basalt rocks
which in some places were covered with barnacles. Amongst these big rocks were rock pools.One of the rock pools we found had crab sized prawns in it which we tried to catch by hand.Seriously- I'm not joking(about the size).Anyway here are some pictures

Me lying in the sea

Me at the pool of crab sized prawns- again i am not joking

a close up picture of me at the pool of crab sized prawns

I had a brilliant time and when we had to go i was soaking wet.