Wednesday 26 August 2009

My birthday!

On the fourteenth of august it was my birthday!
I got all sorts of presents, from solid bubbles to redwall books (Technically my laptop was a birthday present and so was the trip to Leicester, but i didn't get either on my birthday.)My favorite presents were the redwall books because they are all very good books.The ones i got are Redwall,The Pearls Of Lutra,Eulalia! and Doomwyte. The weirdest present was the touchable bubbles which set a few seconds after you blow them meaning you can catch them and stack them up until your bubble tower collapses .I also got guitar hero Metallica for the wii as well as spore galactic adventures and spore creepy and cute on my laptop. They were all absolutely brilliant. Then my friend Logan was over for a while and we had a great time. The cake was brilliant and it had smarties and rollos all over it(mmm...)Unfortunateley Mum deceided to get self relighting candles, which made blowing them out a little tricky. I had a great birthday!

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