Wednesday 25 November 2009

Nighttime capoeira music!

One of the nights we were in Portugal we decided to spend the evening outside. We got the brazier(a sort of portable outdoor fireplace)and lit up a nice warm fire. All of a sudden Yan decided we should play some Capoeira music. Apparently capoeira music sets the rhythm, the style of play, and the energy of a game of capoeira. It was a bit tricky getting the rhythm down at first, but soon the music was going strong. Then we started getting experimental, using beer bottles with different levels of water in them as flutes. Then my Dad went inside and came out with this weird wine bottle thing drenched in water and used it as a sort of DJ instrument type-thing. The music was very happy-sounding,but we were all getting very tired so we stopped and went inside for some sleep.Here is to the capoeira music wikipedia website.
Read about Capoeira music on wikipedia!

A picture of the brazier(I don't have any night-time photos of it.)In this picture it is burning some eucalyptus to make smoke that deters the flies.

A picture from Yans mums garden of the eucalyptus smoke cloud drifting over the valley...

The next thing i will post about is the white knuckle wheelbarrow rides!!

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