Monday 15 February 2010


Recently we went to Leicester! The trip down had to start quite early because when we got there we went to see Avatar! Avatar is a film about a marine,Jake Sully ,who goes to Pandora where he lands in the middle of the whole Avatar scheme and is given one of the avatar bodies. Avatars , if you want to know, are artificial creatures made with a combination of human genetics and the genetics of the natives(who look a bit like blue monkeys). Anyway when he is given one of the avatar bodies he is also given some orders to infiltrate the natives (which is easy enough because he looks very like one) and convince them to abandon hometree, give up their moon and let the big corporations mine the moon and destroy all that grows there(Hometree is about a kilometre tall and just so happens to be sitting on the largest "inobtainium" deposit. Inobtainium is the whole reason why humans have come to Pandora and created the Avatar Project. Inobtainium is a grey rock and is worth an incredible amount of money. Human greed knows no bounds.)However Jake starts to get the unnerving feeling that this planet is his home and stops obeying orders. The colonel finds this out and decides that he has failed orders and decides to take the moon by force. He starts by destroying Hometree and forcing the natives to flee to the Tree Of Aeywa. However whilst the battle at Hometree is going on Jake and his friends have been imprisoned and only manage to escape when one of the rebel pilots who decided they want to kill all of the natives knocks out the guard and then they escape only to find that Hometree has already been destroyed and Jake's Avatar declared an outcast. He only recovers his position among the natives when he manages to tame the Great Dragon. Then there is the gigantic battle at the end in the floating Hallelujah mountains which ends with a charge of stone-skinned bulletproof dinos and untamed dragonbeasts. The natives emerge victorious and every human on the moon is sent back to earth except Jake and his friends, and the humans base is shut down. This is an awesome film (in fact i give it 10/10), so if get the chance, watch it in 3D like we did!
Here is a trailer for avatar!!!!!

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