Wednesday 28 April 2010

Dalry school visit.

Today i went for a tour of Dalry School and saw all the secondary school classrooms and met all the teachers. Apparently on May the fourth(star-wars day, May the forth be with you ;) ) i will be going for the science induction days into school!!
Here is a link to Dalry School website!

Tuesday 27 April 2010


Yesterday i read Terry Pratchetts Diggers! It is the second in the trilogy of the nomes, and in it the thousand tiny little nomes have moved into an abandoned quarry. They think that a Bright New Dawn is around the corner for them. But then humans reopen the quarry and they start to really mess up an already catastrophic winter. The Nomes eventually escape on the back of the monster Jekub (which is actually a JCB demolition vehicle) and make it to an old barn after giving the humans a good fright for stealing their quarry and demolishing their original home, The Store. I give this book ten out of 10! If you like the other nome books in the trilogy then i recommend that you read this!!!

Monday 26 April 2010

Monster hunter Tri first impressions !!!!!!

Not that long ago we got monster hunter tri! So far the quests are mainly just running about the hunting area(also known as Moga Woods) picking mushrooms. Most of what we are doing just now is running about killing stuff. So far monster hunter tri is pretty cool and we are doing really well in it. To change the subject the story in monster hunter tri is mainly about the run up to killing a giant sea monster called the Lagiacrus! If you like fantasy games like final fantasy then i totally recommend this game! Here is a totally cool trailer!!!!!

Friday 23 April 2010

Nintendo DSiXL!

Whilst we were in Edinburgh i got a DSiXL! It cost an awful lot of money but so far it has been worth every pound and penny! The first game i got was Pokemon heart-gold! So far in it i haven't caught any of the legendary Pokemon, but i am pretty close to catching one of them. Then ,a couple of days after we came back from Edinburgh i got sonic classics collection and Viva piñata: Pocket paradise! I am doing okay on sonic but either i am rubbish at sonic games or it is very hard, because i find most levels tricky to survive on. In Viva Piñata: pocket paradise i am doing okay with a slight problem- i haven't found the save feature yet. I am really enjoying it and i found my DSiXL useful on the way back from Edinburgh on the long bus journey to home. Here is a picture of the DSiXL and all of the games and the specialised stylus along with the Pokewalker!

My DS and games!!!!

Thursday 22 April 2010

Final fantasy thirteen!

Last Sunday we finished final fantasy thirteen! Like other final fantasy it has a strong storyline,which i won't spoil at all here. Like other final fantasy it has your standard crazy mobs, like giant plant frogs or rusty oozes. It also has an evil empire like the other final fantasy games. One of the best bits of it all were the monster hunts and the Chocobo free-riding(most final fantasy games have them one way or another.) This game is really cool and fun and if you are into the other final fantasy games then i totally recommend this game!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Edinburgh Zoo

On our final day we went to Edinburgh Zoo! The first really cool thing we saw was the sea-lions having a wee bit of an argument over who should be sitting on a rock in the sun! We have a picture of this clash just below!

Then we saw the cute lemurs hopping about , and we have a picture of one just below.

Then we saw the flamingos and Scarlet ibis's. The Ibis's were hiding in the corner but the flamingos were parading in plain view. Below are some pictures of them.

Scarlet Ibis. Sorry about the leaf.

Then the next cute critter we saw were the Ring tailed lemurs, and there was even a wee lecture on them. Super cute picture coming up!

Then we saw the swamp wallaby's hopping about and enjoying the sunshine like wee cuties. Picture's here!

Then we went to see the famous penguin parade! The penguins that were on parade were gentoo penguins, who have been known to nab car keys. Picture of the parade below!

I had a great day and would like to visit again sometime!

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Edinburgh castle and Road to Robo-world-cup

On our third day in Edinburgh we went to the castle and the Road To Robo-world-cup lecture! We tried to go to the castle in the morning but the queue was massive and we decided we wouldn't have time to have a decent look about so we went to Edinburgh university for the lecture on the Road To Robo-world-cup. The first thing that they described were the multiple functions that made the football robots work, like the cameras in their heads and how their ball-recognition works. Then they brought out the other robot and set it to the goalkeeper program , before setting up a penalty shoot-out. The red striker robot won as the blue defender robot didn't know where the ball was half the time! Then we went back up to the castle and we managed to have a good look about. First we went up to the cannon Mons Meg and the Half-Moon battery before going to the war museum. Then we went into the ruins of an old tower in Edinburgh Castle. Then we went to see the stone of destiny and the scottish crown jewels! Then we went back to the flat as we were totally exhausted. Here are some pictures of the castle!

Please, don't fire!

Aim,fire and destroy!

Monday 19 April 2010

Clash of the titans!

Whilst we were in Edinburgh we went to see Clash Of The Titans in 3D! Unfortunately the 3D didn't add as much to it as Alice in Wonderland, because it wasn't as colourful. My favourite scene was when they turned the Kraken to stone! I also liked the Medusa fight although everybody with Perseus died there. The scariest bit of the film was when a giant scorpion(summoned by Kaliboss) suddenly appeared beneath Perseus and swallowed him. Then the yukkiest bit was when he burst out of the chest of the same scorpion! I really liked this film and my mum has said we have to watch the original film!

Friday 16 April 2010


On our second proper day we went to Sea-world! Dad found the way there a bit scary because we had to go over the Forth Rail Bridge and my dad is afraid of high bridges.When we got to sea-world the first thing we saw was the British isles rock-pool creatures thing. Then we went towards the more exotic creatures such as Amazonian poison-dart frogs. My mum, who is normally afraid of frogs, thought they were plastic fakes until one of them hopped,which totally freaked her out. Then we found the under water tunnel bit which was really cool. Everything was really big and cool,but then we found out every thing was a third bigger than it looked! Then we went to the other end of sea-world and found the seal sanctuary where there was some playful and untrained seals! At one point whilst we were watching the seals one of decided to swim
upside-down, just for fun! Then we went and had lunch and went back to our flat! I had a great time and would love to got there again! Here are two pictures from the tunnel!

Alien lobster taking over the world!

Arrggghhhh, the teeth! THE TEETH!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Alice in wonderland!

At the end of the first day we went to see the new Alice in wonderland film in 3D! The film was really colourful which helped make it look nicer in 3D.(If you can, go and see this film in 3D!) As i have read the book i knew how the characters should look and act, and i was quite surprised at how well the characters in the film were done,especially the Mad Hatter and the Mad March Hare. The 3D added an awful lot to it, especially the garden scene near the start with the talking flowers. I really enjoyed this film, especially the jabberwocky battle at the end!

Wednesday 14 April 2010

On our first proper day we went to the Edinburgh dungeons! When you went inside the dungeons it was like a jail-house to start with. Then you were taken into another room which was like a court, where everybody was said to be guilty of something or other and sentenced to rot in the dungeons. Then you went into a bit which looked like a torture chamber and the "torturer" told you about the less disgusting forms of torture. Then you went down into an underground tunnel where there was the boat ride which took you through a dim cavern , and at certain points it dripped water on you. Then you arrived at Sawney Beans cave in galloway(which is near where we live) and the actor there was playing Hide(one of Sawney beans sons) who described how the beans jumped out on travellers and ripped them up and ate them! Then there was the bit about Burke and Hare and when we were going there the person who was playing the assistant of the doctor who bought most of Burke and Hares body's suddenly appeared around a corner in front of my mum and scared the life out of her! Then we got to the actual laboratory bit and the assistant described Burke and Hares escapades to get them bodies nice and fresh. Then we went into a graveyardy bit where we were to be collected by Burke and Hare. We were sitting on some gravestones when all of a sudden the lights went out and the gravestones jerked backwards! Then there was the bit about the plague in a bit which looked like an old street. The lights went out several times and on the final time a ghost appeared for a few seconds. Then we reached the end and then we were dumped in a tricky mirror maze. Then we finally got out, dazed and tired, got our pictures and went away. Even though i was scared stiff half the time, i really enjoyed myself!
Here is a link to the Edinburgh dungeons website!

Tuesday 13 April 2010

This is a picture from about halfway up the Scott Monument which we climbed on our first proper day! The view from the top was absolutely incredible and i enjoyed climbing the 267 steps to the top even though i am a bit scared of heights!

On our first proper day in Edinburgh we went to the Scottish parliament! The above picture is of the debating chamber in the Scottish parliament. Unfortunately as it was the Easter holidays there was no debating going on (Might have been interesting if there had been.) When we looked out of the window of the debating chamber we noticed an incredible view of of the Salisbury Crags over the sea!

Monday 12 April 2010

The road to Edinburgh!

On the day we went to Edinburgh it snowed, which caused the buses we were going to take to stop. When we got to Dumfries there was a bit of confusion because the buses weren't running and in the end up we had to take a train to Carlisle (which is in England. Imagine having to go to another country to get to get to your own capital city! The madness!) However, once we were on the train to Edinburgh it was plain sailing. When we got closer to Edinburgh we went through a beautiful and snowy pine forest!
When we reached Edinburgh we took the first bus we could to our hotel. When we finally got to our apartment we found our bedrooms and flopped out after a tiring day.
Here is a picture of the living room in our apartment!

Tuesday 6 April 2010


Yesterday we came back from Edinburgh! I had a great time and we went to loads of cool and fascinating places such as Edinburgh castle and Edinburgh zoo, and took tons of pictures which i will all write about later! Here is a cool picture of Edinburgh castle!