Wednesday 14 April 2010

On our first proper day we went to the Edinburgh dungeons! When you went inside the dungeons it was like a jail-house to start with. Then you were taken into another room which was like a court, where everybody was said to be guilty of something or other and sentenced to rot in the dungeons. Then you went into a bit which looked like a torture chamber and the "torturer" told you about the less disgusting forms of torture. Then you went down into an underground tunnel where there was the boat ride which took you through a dim cavern , and at certain points it dripped water on you. Then you arrived at Sawney Beans cave in galloway(which is near where we live) and the actor there was playing Hide(one of Sawney beans sons) who described how the beans jumped out on travellers and ripped them up and ate them! Then there was the bit about Burke and Hare and when we were going there the person who was playing the assistant of the doctor who bought most of Burke and Hares body's suddenly appeared around a corner in front of my mum and scared the life out of her! Then we got to the actual laboratory bit and the assistant described Burke and Hares escapades to get them bodies nice and fresh. Then we went into a graveyardy bit where we were to be collected by Burke and Hare. We were sitting on some gravestones when all of a sudden the lights went out and the gravestones jerked backwards! Then there was the bit about the plague in a bit which looked like an old street. The lights went out several times and on the final time a ghost appeared for a few seconds. Then we reached the end and then we were dumped in a tricky mirror maze. Then we finally got out, dazed and tired, got our pictures and went away. Even though i was scared stiff half the time, i really enjoyed myself!
Here is a link to the Edinburgh dungeons website!

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