Friday 23 April 2010

Nintendo DSiXL!

Whilst we were in Edinburgh i got a DSiXL! It cost an awful lot of money but so far it has been worth every pound and penny! The first game i got was Pokemon heart-gold! So far in it i haven't caught any of the legendary Pokemon, but i am pretty close to catching one of them. Then ,a couple of days after we came back from Edinburgh i got sonic classics collection and Viva piñata: Pocket paradise! I am doing okay on sonic but either i am rubbish at sonic games or it is very hard, because i find most levels tricky to survive on. In Viva Piñata: pocket paradise i am doing okay with a slight problem- i haven't found the save feature yet. I am really enjoying it and i found my DSiXL useful on the way back from Edinburgh on the long bus journey to home. Here is a picture of the DSiXL and all of the games and the specialised stylus along with the Pokewalker!

My DS and games!!!!

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